Tuesday, March 10, 2009

new pets in da hse

saw that picture behind my wall... it was a surprise gist as well... he did it when i was back in msia.. sweet like hell!!!

kw surprised me with a giraffe skinned big pillow cos i told him b4 going back to msia last sem break that i like it... when i saw it in ace hardware.. it isnt the same one co the one i mentioned can be folded into a chair but well.. at least it looks the same without the function.. keke.. thanks baby..
well this monkey is given by andy seah.. my bestest bii in the world.. he is the best!! mwahz...

well first of all, i would like to express my happiness and joy for able to go online and update myself after such a long long 2 weeks or more in indonesia.. yes i feel like a freaking savage who suddenly got freed from the evil org asli to come into the outside modern world.. ok.. im exaggerating but honestly that is the way i am feeling...newayz...i got myself a new guinea pig at first after watching bedtime story in msia..yes.. its the exact color.. and it is sooooo adorable.. and kw.. got himself fighting fish with vijay.. when joseph saw my guinea pig he went and got himself one and to bad, it died.. due to his mishandling...yes yes.. he bathed the guinea pig in cold water and it died..traumatized i think...newayz.. i got myself another rabbit.. yes!! it is even more adorable.. so cuddly and all.. vijay is pampering it too... but of cos the shit cleaning is my job... what the hell.. he asked me to nae it.. i named it... RABBIT..what an easy name to remember... oh forgot to mention.. my guinea pig name is also guinea pig.. keke...

1 Comment:

  1. 冰冰-ping said...
    walao A the name really "lame" laa..haha..rabbit name is rabbit and guinea pig name is guinea piG lolz..but this makes me enjoy reading ur BLOG and all!!1 hahaaa.... miss u laaa!!!!

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