Sunday, March 29, 2009

study boredom

oh.. thats my books and notes..all jumble.. not enought place on my table so might as well place it on my plastic chair
thts kw's table.. see how tidy and neat..
my study table.. now u know how i study.. why i took these pics u ask?? well cos i was to bored.. sometimes study needs a break. but why take pics of my table, u ask again? cos.. actualy i also dunno why..
my table.. yes.. me studying.. till 1.49am and still got 3 more hours to go before bed time..crazy
kw cannot tahan d.. his sleeping time is up d.. he is freaking weird. by 11pm sharp, his eyes cannot tahan d.. muz close and go to his sleep. no wonder he keeps complaining not enough time to study..
crazy d him.. too tired to think.

this is how me and my hse mates handle stress


  1. MIZZIDIEY said...
    sweet la u guys. hehe :D
    patpat said...
    there is no significant differences between kw's table and your table though. Therefore we do not reject the null hypothesis.
    Ylaine Liow said...
    what the hell.. sarcastic comment pat pat..

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